All the tools you need to make the most of your LKR experience!
Player Education
Access biweekly articles and videos curated by our Technical Director, Joan Oliva, to enhance your understanding of the game, help you develop a winning mindset, and teach more and more about the beautiful game.
LKR Soccer Concepts
In order to keep our exclusive content in-house, the link to LKR Soccer Concepts Google Drive will be shared with players/parents via 360Player app and on Parents & Family Facebook Group.
Sir Alex Ferguson Secrets of Success Documentary
How to Build Mental Toughness in Young Athletes
The Various Ways to Strike a Soccer Ball
Tom Brady Opens Up (7 Ring Motivation)
Steven Gerrard Playing on the Edge
The biweekly, informative videos we'll be sharing on this segment are not property of LKR, and therefore can be accessed on the link above.
Bonus Sessions & GK Academy
Goalkeeping Academy is officially underway for 11U-19U goalkeepers! Goalkeepers can attend up to 2 training sessions per week in the following dates:
Tuesday 7:30-8:15pm Moore Park 3 - Zak Elagamy
Tuesdays 6:00-6:45pm St Julien Park - Coach Kevin Elston
Wednesdays 6:15-7:00pm Youngsville Sports Complex - Coach Barnhill
Thursdays 4:30-5:15pm Moore Park 3 - Coach Jordan Angelle
Thursdays 5:00-5:45pm Moore Park 3 - Coach Rylie
Thursdays 7:30 -8:15pm Moore Park 3 - Coach Dave Lap
Fill out the registration form below in order to sign up for goalkeeping sessions - Please select only 1 date, which will be your primary option. Communicate with our coaching/director staff if you wish to attend an additional session each week.
Our club will be offering additional training sessions for our 11U-15U teams throughout the season for FREE to our membership. See link below for more information on bonus sessions.
The additional training sessions will consist of technical, skill-oriented training, small sided games, and different activities to challenge the players while making sure they get as many touches as possible. While Bonus Sessions are not mandatory, we highly encourage players to attend.
Monday: 10:00-2:00
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 10:00-2:00
Thursday: 10:00-2:00
Friday-Sunday: Closed